Securing Facebook Account:
Facebook has more than 1 billion uses, that’s makes it the biggest target for hackers. Hackers are trying to hack user accounts and steal personal data, spam offers and ads. There are many ways that a professional hacker can easy hack to Facebook user account who has less knowledge on account security.
Facebook is another powerful media that is targeted by hackers to attack and do bad things. Go to Facebook Account Security Tab to secure your Facebook account.
It will provide details like Device on which account is logged on, time and location. Also, you can see IP once you hovered on the device name.
Use two-factor authentication for more security. Also, turn on the settings “Get alerts from Unrecognised devices” for securing your account.
Then, click on “Get Started” on the prompt and confirm your phone number to add this security. Whenever you or someone else tries to access your account from a different device, they will have to provide the code sent to your phone to gain access.
Use two-factor authentication for more security. Also, turn on the settings “Get alerts from Unrecognised devices” for securing your account.
Tips to secure Facebook Account
Below are some some tips you can follow to tighten up Facebook account security:1. Add a Phone Number
Adding a phone number is the best ways to secure your account. It will enable you easily recover your account even if you can not access your email and also you can use Facebook’s 2-step authentication. To add phone number, go to Facebook Settings and then to “Mobile” settings from the left menu and click on “Add a Phone”. Then follow instructions to confirm your phone number.
2. Add Login Approval Security check
Login Approval Security is the 2-step authentication process of Facebook that will let you login to Facebook with your password and also a code sent to your phone number. To set it up, go to Facebook Settings and click on “Security” tab. Then, click “Edit” next to “Login Approvals” option and check the checkbox saying “Require a security code”.
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